Vermont Architects – STUDIO III

Thoughts and happenings from Studio III Architecture, Bristol, Vermont

Studio III architects’ Hero Wednesday: The World Behind a T-Shirt

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Studio III architects' Hero Wednesday: The World Behind a T-Shirt

This Wednesday’s Hero, like so many of these posts, is more of a fascinating story…a reality…that sheds some shocking light on how we live. Some would say, “hey, that’s life, you can’t change it!” and others would say “wow that’s really shocking…how do we fix that?”. Either way, the link below takes you to a fascinating life story of….a tee shirt! Yup…a tee shirt. And if one was hard pressed to call out the Hero here…I’d say it’s Planet Money and NPR for showing us just how out of touch we are with our consumption, others we share the world with, and one of the many immense issues to which we live oblivious… Without journalistic journeys like this one…not many of us stop to think about our actions and the world and lives they impact.